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Next-level running shoes for each and every runner. Get yours to boost that performance. Innovative since the beginning, Asics running shoes are meticulously designed with every aspect of a runner’s movement in mind. Though it’s no surprise they have become the faves of the pros, Asics don’t just focus on professionals - they craft running shoes for every type of runner. It doesn’t matter if you’re a regular or you’re just starting out. It doesn’t matter if you run on forest trails, city streets or icy tracks. You will find the best Asics running shoes for you right here.


Asics shoes have always pushed boundaries. Crafted with next-level attention to detail and an innovative spirit, each release from the Japanese brand has always brought something new. In 1953, it was the first running shoe made from nylon instead of cotton to reduce sweating and enhance endurance. That same shoe had a revolutionary rubber sponge sole and shock-absorbent heel. A sign of things to come.

The now iconic Mexico 66 shoe brought Asics worldwide fame and introduced the side stripes now found on all Asics running shoes. 1987 saw Asics conquer the market with a new shock-absorbing midsole containing a special semi-fluid gel, ‘Gel’, which would become the star of the Gel Lyte – by far the lightest running shoe ever made. The Gel-Lyte 2 and 3 came about, the latter becoming an emblem and go-to for millions of runners to this very day. Then came the Kayano in 1993, which was and still is one of the most popular Asics running styles ever made. Designed to be a ‘hybrid shoe’ for both long-distance outdoor running and indoor gym training, its impact-reducing and performance-enhancing technologies have made it the longest continuous performance running shoe to date, now its 28th version. Asics continued to advance technology for runners with the GT-1000 and GT-2000, and today their revolutionary running technology still heads up the front of the pack. You can too.


If you’re wondering which Asics running shoes are best, the answer won’t be simple. There is so much tech put into these shoes that it really depends on what you are looking for and what you need. If you’re a long distancer you might be looking for a shoe with GUIDESOLE™ or METARIDE™ technology – designed to propel you forward for a more efficient stride that expends less energy. Or, if you’re running on terrain which requires more stability, perhaps the best choice for you is a pair with Asics’ HEEL CLUTCHING SYSTEM™ to reduce the gap at the heel to keep you stable on your feet. A key feature of many Asics running shoes is the unique flex grooving in the soles that makes running more comfortable without interfering with the natural movements of the feet.

The list goes on, but you probably get the picture. Asics’ next-gen tech supports all kinds of runners. Find the best pair for you here.